Saturday, April 13, 2013

Bluebonnets! FINALLY!

Oh. My. Goodness. My mom took me to the post office on Friday (the 5th) because I wanted to take pictures of the city reknown bluebonnet patch next to it, and we needed to mail something, and I got a lot of neat pictures.  My mom even snapped some with her iphone for the instas.  But anyways, back to the pictures.

So, I took them on Friday, then I went to the fair that night with a friend that was visiting from out of town, then the next day I went with the same friend to a baseball game, then on Sunday I went to a movie and had my friend spend the night, and I'm not really sure why I didn't blog on Monday.  I guess I could have.... But then Tuesday I went to the fair again and Wednesday I got sick.  So, all of that for this point alone, I was pretty busy.  Some would say extremely.  That is why I haven't blogged.

But, at long last, here are the pictures.  At least, some of the pictures.

I love, love LOVE these next two pictures! I love the bees with the little piles of pollen on them!  It's do cute!  Gah, gets me everytime!

So, me and my momma were just walking around the large patch, and there was this baby pine tree with bluebonnets all crowded around its base, and I was  just like, "This. Is. Texas." It was just the epitome of Texas. Well, at least the part of Texas that I live in.  Its a huge state... Anyways, these are the pics.  Of Texas, basically.

Okay, so these aren't really bluebonnets, but, they are wildflowers, so it counts, right?

 The classic boots-in-the-wildflowers picture :P

So, we try to not step on the wildflowers and all, because, we want them to reseed and come back next year; however, this obviously was not the case with the easter picture takers.  There would be large patches of flattened stalks of flowers where it was obvious that people had sat their kids down and taken pictures in the flowers.  This would normally be fine, but it was everywhere!

I just don't get it. I just don't. So, to prove my point, here is a row of bluebonnets amidst the smashed stalks. 

I like this next one because it just goes to show that they really are wildflowers.  They were growing next to the sidewalk, a ways away from their relatives.

Thanks for reading! Have a good rest of the week/month/year/life.... :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Sorry about the wildflowers...

Hey guys! I took pictures of the beautiful bluebonnets down here in Texas and didn't post them for about a week. And now, unfortunately, I am sick. So, y'all will have to wait even longer. Sorry! I really want to post them but now I actually can't. Oops. Thanks for reading! Hoping to post in the next week!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Spring Has Sprung!

In case y'all didn't know, today is the first day of Spring! Isn't that happy? I even bought new shorts today!!! I love the warmer weather. But not so much the triple digit weather... and I know it's coming... But, for now at least, it is perfect weather for going outside and taking picture. Because it's Spring. Not Summer. Yet.

Anyways, I just took these photos -- fresh off the memory card -- so I hope you'll enjoy looking at them as much as I enjoyed taking them!




As many Texans know, Spring come with a catch -- Pollen.  I am not allergic to the green/yellow snow, but everyone else that I know, pretty much, is. :)

That's it for today! Happy Spring and Easter to all of y'all!!!!

Friday, February 8, 2013


 This is an extremely belated surprise, but a surprise nonetheless.  I got my camera for Christmas!!! I still have to pay for soe of it, but defineitly not as much as I would have had to.  I haven't, sadly, taken many pictures with it, but the other day it was very rainy and so after the rain stopped, I went out tok some pictures of the flowers with cute little water dropplets on them. :)  I hope you enjoy these photos!!!

Our azaleas are crazy and decided to bloom early this year, but that's okay.  I forgive them. :)

And farther away...

Hope you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading!

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

Merry Christmas! I probably won't be blogging very much for the next months (not like I have been super often...) because we finally had to send my cousin his camera, but I am saving and I hope to buy it SOON! But I will leave y'all with a last photo for the year:

Baby Jesus:)  It's very yellow because of the crappy lighting in our house.  Sorry:/

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Meg's Senior Session (Sorta)

Yesterday Meg had her senior pictures taken by a family friend and photographer, Leah McLean.  She let me tag along to help with lights, reflectors, and to shoot some pictures of my own.  It was a very fun learning experience.

Anyways, here are some of the shots I took:

This one was really interesting because it was with a fancy light (I have no idea what it was called) at 3:15 in the afternoon. Cool, right? 

At this point, my other sister Karis had arrived and held the reflector so that I was free to take pictures. :)

 For this shot, we went to a sort of field and took pictures, but not until towrds the end did I realize that my camera was on the totally wrong setting.  But, I eventually got this, so all's well that ends well, right?

I LOVE this one.  It was very windy yesterday, Karis was holding the reflector, and my camera was on the correct setting. :)

This was more at the beginning, I was just shooting on the side while Meg focused on Miss Leah, and yet I think it turned out pretty well

These last two are by far my favorites of all eight.  

So, that's my blog for the day. (or the last two-and-a-half months...)  Hope you enjoyed it. :)

Saturday, September 8, 2012


I haven't blogged in SO DANG LONG!  It's sad.  I miss blogging.  I just haven't really had any inspiration lately.  :(

Anyways, it is such a nice day today and I thought I would take some pictures, so I sat on my front porch and took these.

I like this one a lot :)

This is my favorite. I messed around with the exposure button.  :)  (And, I found out that EV stands for exposure value)

Monday, August 13, 2012

Mavis, At Long Last!

Finally, my cat has come to live at our house with us.  She has gone a bit insane.  She's VERY jumpy and freaks out if you make sudden actions.  She's gone crazy.  :)

Anyways, here are some pictures of her in her new room...  Enjoy!

It is very difficult to get a good picture of her face.  But, although these are fuzzy, I think these are all right pictures.

Full-body shot.

This is one of the few good pictures I have of Mavis' Face.

The flash kind of freaked her out and she made weird, crazy faces. 

I LOVE this shot.  It's just dramatic and shadowy... I don't know... But I like it. :)

Sunday, July 22, 2012


So, the other day I was out taking pictures, and I stumbled upon this. :)

I just really like it.  I don't know why.  I think it might be my like of pictures with lots of texture.  Hmm.

Friday, July 20, 2012


I know I haven't blogged in a looong while, so I thought I would now.  What better time?  

Here are some mushrooms that are growing in our flower pot.  

Today, in this heat, they were flopped onto the side of the pot.  So, apparently, I got them in their prime.  :)  And, apparently, mushrooms have a "prime"...