Friday, March 30, 2012

Woot! Woot!

I am superty duperty excited about this!!!!!  I thought to myself, "Maybe the Canon cord will work in the Nikon."  I tried it.  It worked!  So I downloaded about 300 pictures onto the computer, and chose 6 of them to blog.  I'm sure you'll be seeing many more in the near future.

So, anyway, here are some recent pictures of mine:

This is my grandma's piano.  I really like the lighting.  It's very warm, as fancy photographers would say :P

That cute kitty is Mittens.  She is my grandma's, also.  (Not technically, but she's a stray, and my grandma pets, brushes, and feeds her periodically.)

The picture above is a "late-bloomer", as Grandma calls it.  It's a Redbud tree.  Very pretty.  And now I have a camera that can actually FOCUS!

I've posted some other photos of the pansies, but this one is close up.

Mittens again, in her favorite spot.

We got a gutter put up, for the rain, you know, and we also bought a "rain chain"  for it.  Nate was out working in the yard, so that's him in the background.  :)

These are only about 1/50 of the pictures, so check back soon!

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