Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Rumor Weed

This picture just makes me think of that Veggietales with the "Rumor Weed" I'll see if I can put a link at the end of this post to the part with it.  :) Oh, childhood memories....  Great.

Well, I actually like this picture a lot!  It's sooo cool, and it's like the stuff I normally do.

I really, really like it! So much I want to cry...  Not really that much...  I like how the crack curves.  And the dirt with clover inside.  It's like a really long road.  In a way...  Whatever.

Here's the link to the Rumor Weed


  1. I love it! It has a story to tell.

  2. How's this for a caption: "The long and winding not all it's cracked up to be."

    Great photo, Ev. I like how you got down close and captured the texture of everything.
    love, Dad

  3. Thanks. I kind of had to lay on the driveway, but oh well. It was well worth it.

  4. I like Dad's caption. Perfect!
